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Geometrical Face Features Extraction

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This software is the result of the first approach effort to develop a geometrical facial features extraction algorithm. It was developed in Sao Paulo University (Brazil), and in cooperation with Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA). It covers mouth, eyes, eyebrows, nosetrils, and face tilt estimation.

Face Collage

Watch a demo here:

(make it full quality and full screen or you will not see the details)

It provides a very simple interface based on a single C/C++ class named "Face" that will compute the location of the mentioned points of geomatrical interest of the face within the provided image. See "face.h".

If you take a look at the screeshot images in the source directory you may notice how robust it is against typical sources of occlusion such as hair, glasses and forehead wrinkles.

Performance was totally prioritised over precission. The extraction algorithm takes 300usec - 1.5 ms on a desktop PC. It still has to be cleaned up from some unnecessary operations but shows promising results.

Additionaly, the lack of accuracy can be easily palliated with temporal filtering techniques. This is shown in the template example "faceImitator.cpp".

We are working on a inteligent imitation algorithm for applications in social robotics as well.

The algorithm is robust to 2D rotations but not to 3D changes in pose. Optical flow could be used for 3D tracking after face detection but it is not developed yet. This would strongly improve the robustness of the algorithm.

Please, note that this code was a research effort without commercial purposes so:

This software uses the well known and brilliant OpenCV library for image processing algorithms and you will need it in order to build it:

You can find a description of the algortihm in the paper cited below. Please quote the authors in any relevant work you make out of this software.

de Carvalho Santos, V.; Romero, R.A.F.; Coca, S.R.D.-M., "Imitation of Facial Expressions for a Virtual Robotic Head," Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium (SBR-LARS), 2012 Brazilian , vol., no., pp.251,254, 16-19 Oct. 2012 doi: 10.1109/SBR-LARS.2012.48 keywords: {computer vision;feature extraction;human-robot interaction;computer vision;eye extraction;eyebrows;face detection;face tilt angle;facial expressions;mouth characteristic points;natural interaction;nostrils;real-time geometric facial features extraction;social robots;virtual robotic head;Computer architecture;Eyebrows;Face;Feature extraction;Humans;Mouth;Robots;facial expression;facial features extraction;imitation}, URL: